May 2023: MAKE/DO, a show curated by Marta LA and Catalogue Sale , an exhibition of twenty-four historic and contemporary ad-hoc chairs, held in alignment with NYC×Design. This selection of improvised chair typologies surveys twelve works from Catalog Sale founder Avi Kovacevich’s ebullient collection, placed in dialogue with a dozen works from contemporary practices, each of whom fabricated their entries in response to the following brief: Make a Chair in Three Days. Day 1, Identify & Gather Material. Day 2, Design & Plan. Day 3, Craft & Assemble. The proposed schedule emphasizes the primary components of making-do, the verbiage of which suggests the simultaneous expression of Place, Time, and Know- How—the submission to what is at-hand.
Below: Fun Factory, Rotational Molded Plastic, Cast Plastic, Steel, Aluminum, Expanding Foam, High-Density Foam, PVC
35.5” × 37.0” × 15.0”.

May 2023: The Backyard Show curated by Luft Tanaka, the Brooklyn-based creator of covetable art-led objects, presents “The Backyard Show,” opening to the public from May 22nd until May 24th. Featuring more than 20 independent artists and designers, this new group show takes place at Chino Grande in Williamsburg, Brooklyn, chosen to offer attendees the welcome and conviviality of a neighborhood party.
Below: Cast Foam Lamp and Stool, cast foam, PVC, steel. Lamp is 6’ x 20” x 20”, stool is 19” x 14”ø

December 2021: Superhouse SuperGroup 2: Superhouse is excited to announce the second installment of its Super Group series, an annual showcase of leading and emerging voices in contemporary design. Super Group 2 takes place from December 3, 2021 to January 16, 2022 at Superhouse Vitrine, the platform’s newly opened gallery in a Chinatown mini-mall. This year, Superhouse asked 50 international designers and artists to explore the boundary between decoration and functionality by producing a single vessel for the 10x10 storefront.
Below: Katamari Vessel, 17” x 17” x 17”, epoxy, steel tube, legos, Barbie high heels, candy, game board pieces, mahjong tiles, dice, poker chips, enamel pins, Hot Wheels, B52 Bomber, Eiffel Tower, gold chain, fork, spoon, knife, scale desserts, an entire Playmobil kitchen set, goggles, sunglasses, Pepsi bottle, Happy Meal from 1994, oversized strawberry, boots, sandals, flip flops, a Guggenheim ticket, floppy disk, Buzz Lightyear, a BRATZ doll, mini Stormtrooper, headphones, Livestrong bracelet, hair brush, buttons, jewelry, washer machine, vacuum cleaner, flowers, wheels, money, paper clips, cocktail mixers, playing cards, wood blocks, tree ornament, screw driver, nail clipper, hair clips, rubber ducky, ice skates, keys, RAZR cell phone, gold metal, Beanie Baby

September 2020: UNDER/OVER, a group exhibition of 50+ Toilet Paper Holders, hosted online and at Marta, Los Angeles from September 10 to November 01, 2020.
Below: Crystal Pepsi’s Charmin Ultra, 9” x 2.5” x 5”, hot glue

October 2019: OBJECT PERMANENCE 4, at 1st Dibs showroom, the curators Emma Holland Denvir and Leah Ring informal and festive vibe endures in the glitter, neon, cartoonish contours and candy colors that figure in the 20 contributions. Birnam Wood x Suna Bonometti have surrounded their Brutiful wall-mounted mirror with a stepped oval covered in gold sparkles, while Joseph Algieri has nested the reflective surfaces of his Lemoyne mirror within a mound of pastel foam nodules, adding a light bulb for good measure. And in her Apollo and Artemis mirrors, Lydia Cambron uses shiny metallic inflatables to mimic traditional metal frames.
Below: Leymoyne Mirror, 16” x 7” x 7”, cast expanding foam

August 2019: TAN LINES, a summer show celebrating all things hot and sweaty, curated by SUMMERTIME at Institute 193 (1B), featuring works by Joseph Algieri, Everette Ball, Mary T. Bevlock, Mike Goodlett, Camille Holvoet, Lucy Nagle, Byron Smith and Alice Wong in a summer themed group exhibition.
Below: Bread and Circus, 24X26X18, cast expandable foam, piano wire
May 2019: JONALD DUDD, an annual exhibition of conceptual works challenging the conventions of contemporary design. The show provides a broad platform for dissenting points of view within the field of Design-Art. The 5th Annual installment of JONALD DUDD will take place as part of NYC Design Week. This year’s show will feature the work of more than 30 designers and artists whose practices advocate irreverence, while obscuring the boundaries between art, design, and craft.
Below: Chain No.3, 132”x48”, painted earthenware

May 2019: Inside Out, an outdoor furniture show Presented by Sight Unseen, The William Vale, and Asa Pingree.
Below: Pollen In Process, paper mâché, cement, fiberglass mixture, high gloss paint, and piano wire

November 2018: About Face, Frederick and Mae’s Testa di Moro group show.
Below: Who’s Gotta Lighta?, painted earthenware
September 2018: 'Slice Me Nice' is Joseph Algieri's first solo analyzes and experiments with the varies materials used in his design practice. It is also an entire storefront takeover, giving a glance into his playful, sensual world that is not only colorful, but charismatic.
Below, in order: Faux fruit mobile, terra cotta candlestick, ceramic pretzel garlands, small foam pink lamp, large green foam floor lamp, orange siamese foam lamp, custom foam rug

September 2017: In Good Company, a group show featuring Joseph Algieri, Another Human, Eva Fehren, Fracture Studio, Anna Karlin, Material Lust, Fernando Mastrangelo, May Furniture, Amanda Richards, Slash Objects, Giancarlo Valle, Nick Van Woert, and Wintercheck Factory
Below: Small orange and large sea foam floor lamp

September 2017: Distortion/Proportion, a big works group show featuring Joseph Algieri, Thomas Barger, Henry Barrett, Samuel Farrier, Jason Kachadourian, Romy Northover, Chad Phillips, Brendan Timmins, Kristen Wentrcek, and Andrew Zebulon
Below: Connected red floor lamps, expandable foam and tubing

April 2017: Capitalism is Over: New Times New Rules a collective exhibition showing that while the design market is dominated by manufacturing and distribution giants, the possibility of independent production and autonomous distribution opens up new horizons for designers and micro-entrepreneurs. The section entitled New Times New Rules offers an overview on these new practices through the works of a selection of young designers.
Below, in order: Resin mirrors and vinyl planters
October 2016: High/Buy, a group show by Nathan Abbe, Joseph Algieri, Thomas Barger, Naomi Ferber, Emilie Gossiaux, and Brad Isnard
Below, in order: Resin mirrors and vinyl planters